Estimates vary on the amount of time hiring managers spend looking at individual resumes. But one thing is for sure – it’s not very long. If they are looking at your resume, you want to make sure you grab their attention right away and get the important information across. Here are a few tips on how to have your resume stand out and reach the top of the hiring manager’s pile.
1. Format is important.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Use bullet points and short sentences for easy reading. Make the first five words count because the hiring manager might not read any further. And make sure the bullet points are under two lines.
- Minimum size font should be a 10 point
- Use action words, active verbs
- Use numbers, dollar amounts and percentages when talking about your accomplishments. It’s much easier for hiring managers to understand quantitative data than vague descriptions.
2. The important stuff goes first.
You should put your strongest selling points in the beginning. You should use the same keywords that were used in the job description in your bullet points. Save the list of previous employers and educational institutions for the end. It is acceptable to use the jargon that is specific to your particular profession because this will help to show your expertise.
Don’t put anything in your resume that is not directly related to the job requirements. And don’t worry about going into too much detail. The interview is the time to go in depth.
3. Watch your language.
Keep the language simple. There is no need to use a $100 word when a five-center will do. The high-brow language really won’t help you get the interview. What you need to focus on are your accomplishments and backing up those accomplishments with facts and figures.
Be careful of the words you use. For example, if you truly just assisted on a project, it is fine to use that word, but if you did most of the work, take the credit.
Don’t use adverbs, such as really or very. They do nothing to make your writing better. If you are using adverbs, it probably means you just have not found the right action verb to use.
Arrow Staffing is the place to go if you are looking for employment in the Inland Empire. Arrow is one of the top firms in the area, working with our job candidates every step of the way to help find them the job that fits their skills and experience. Give Arrow a call today.