In the world of personal relationships, “ghosting” someone means disappearing from their lives without explanation and ignoring their attempts to contact you to see what went wrong. It’s also possible to ghost a potential employer during a job search. And it’s a bad idea.
Here’s the scenario: You’ve applied with a company and made it through multiple interviews. Eventually, you’re offered a job. But instead of accepting or denying the position, you decide for whatever reason to break off contact entirely. You’ve just ghosted a potential employer.
Dropping Off the Face of the Earth
Maybe you had a change of heart and don’t feel like the job isn’t a good fit for you after all. Maybe you got a better offer. Maybe you’re suffering from impostor syndrome and have decided it would be best for everyone involved if you just dropped off the face of the earth. Whatever your motivations are, ghosting a hiring company isn’t just rude and unprofessional, but it can also sabotage your job search.
The Consequences of Ghosting
What makes ghosting so bad is that you’re subjecting someone to fear for your wellbeing, followed by the anger and confusion of wondering why you’ve chosen to vanish. The problem with ghosting a potential employer is that you don’t know where your job search may lead. You may be burning a bridge you don’t know you’ll need later. If someone who was involved in recruiting you shows up on the other side of the interview table again down the road, you may have already killed your chances.
What You Should Do Instead
Rather than avoiding an uncomfortable conversation, learn how to say “no” gracefully. Be direct, concise and specific about why you’re declining the position. That way, you don’t have to worry about an awkward disappearance haunting you as you pursue other opportunities.
Trust Arrow to Help You Get to ‘Yes’
At Arrow Staffing, we get to know the real you, learning about your experience and career goals. We’ll work hard to match you with the best position possible. Start your job search here.