A new year means a clean slate when it comes to the job search. There is no doubt that you’re well accustomed to making New Year’s resolutions for diet and exercise, but did you know you can make them for your job search as well? Let’s take a look at the seven best resolutions you can make in 2020 to ensure your job search is a success.
Up Your Network Game
Making contacts is crucial to landing the job of your dreams. Make a goal to meet a certain number of new connections each week. This can be over email, phone, or in person. You never know where a new contact might take you.
Obtain Professional Help with Your Resume
If you know that your resume isn’t up to the standards that it should be, seek professional help before you apply for any job openings. Make sure that every time you submit an application, you are putting your best foot forward. It starts with your resume.
Develop an Elevator Pitch
It takes only a few seconds to make an impression on a potential employer. Make sure it is a good one by developing an elevator pitch. The length of your pitch should be no more than 30 seconds in length and concisely convey who you are, the value you bring to the table, and what you are looking for.
Utilize Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool when it comes to the job search. Make sure all of your social media accounts, especially your professional ones, are completely filled out and accurately represent what you intend to convey to potential employers.
Plan for Your Job Hunt
If you are not currently employed, you should treat your job search as a full-time job. Plan for your job hunt. Lounging around watching television until noon will not help you land a job. Instead, make a plan every day as to what you need to do to make forward progress.
Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for a Job
A great New Year’s Resolution is to go out and ask for what you want. Have an informal meeting with the hiring manager of a company you would like to work for. Even if they are not hiring at the moment, they may be in the near future.
Partner with a Staffing Agency
Teaming up with a reputable staffing agency is a great way to find your dream job more quickly. With over 40 years of experience, Arrow Staffing can help you fine-tune your resume, apply for open positions that fit your skillset and career goals, and even help you prepare for that big interview! Contact us today to speak with one of our experienced staffing specialists!