Overqualified But Still Want a Job? What You Need to Do

You want a new career. At this point, you are ready to submit applications for a wide range of roles. But, you may find that you appear overqualified on your resume. In these instances, here’s what you need to do.

1. Tailor Your Resume to the Job You Want to Land

Update your resume and ensure it aligns with the qualifications required for a particular role. In addition, resist the urge to “oversell” yourself on your resume. Instead, focus exclusively on what a prospective employer wants to find in their ideal candidate. From here, you can include relevant information that shows a potential employer why you’re a great candidate for a job with their company.

2. Remove Advanced Degrees That Can Otherwise Indicate You’re Overqualified

Include college or university degrees on your resume if they are pertinent to the role you want to secure. Remember, your goal is to provide a potential employer with information showing what it takes to thrive within their business. You do not need to overwhelm a prospective employer with information about advanced degrees to achieve your goal. If a higher education degree is more than what a potential employer is seeking in its perfect candidate, keep it off your resume.

3. Leave Your Graduation Dates Off Your Resume

Keep your graduation dates off your resume. If you include these dates, you risk showing a potential employer how long you’ve been working in the real world. This can ultimately lead a prospective employer to view you as overqualified for a role. And it can cause this employer to forgo your candidacy.

4. Format Your Resume Properly

Evaluate the format of your resume closely. Functional and chronological are two of the most common resume formats. A functional format enables you to showcase your career achievements and skills. Comparatively, a chronological format allows you to highlight your past jobs by the dates they were held. If you are moving into a new career, a functional format may be the best resume option. This format lets you highlight your career achievements and skills and how they match the requirements associated with a job.

5. Capitalize on Your Career Objective

Develop a clear, concise career objective and include it in your resume. Your objective should show a potential employer why you are pursuing a new career and what you want to accomplish going forward. It can provide insights into who you are and what you are all about, too. As a result, your objective can distinguish you from other candidates. And it can put you in a terrific position to launch a new career.

Help Is Available to Overqualified Job Seekers

Employment agencies in Fontana, CA can provide a great starting point to job seekers who want to begin a new career but are overqualified for certain roles. With the right employment agency at your side, you’re well-equipped to make your career vision a reality.

Arrow Staffing can help you find the perfect job. Browse our job board today!

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