Leveraging the Web for Attracting Job Seekers

How attractive is your company’s Web site to job seekers? Follow the tips below to help potential employees apply for work at your company.

  1. Does your website have a link to your employment or careers page (do you even have a careers page)? If it’s not there, why not? Also, don’t make potential employees “dig” for the page. Have a prominent link for it right on the top of your homepage.
  2. How does your site look on a mobile smartphone? More and more people are accessing websites via smartphones now than ever before. In fact, Morgan Stanley in 2010 reported that it believed that the use of mobile Web (smartphones, tablets and other non-desktop computers) to access the Web would be greater than desktop access by 2015. Many experts have moved that date up to 2104 or even 2013! Is your site ready for this? Is it easily accessible on a smartphone, or do people have to scroll and scroll just to get anywhere?
  3. How do you respond to people who apply to your job openings? At minimum, you should send an e-mail to them acknowledging receipt of their application within 24 hours. As soon as their application is received is better. An e-mail notifying applicants that the position has been filled also should be sent as soon as someone has started also is good applicant etiquette.
  4. Does the site “sell” your company to prospective employees? Do you offer information about possible career paths, benefits, locations, perhaps interviews/testimonials from current employees? Don’t forget, your website doesn’t just promote your products/services to potential customers, it also sells your culture.
  5. Allow visitors to register their e-mail address with your firm and then send them newsletters and information about job openings. Help visitors, whether potential job seekers or not, become “raving fans” of your company.
  6. Consider getting your employment section its own url: www.getajobatSmithDistribution.com or www.SmithDistributionCareers.com.
  7. Create a job search tool that allows candidates to search for positions by job category, keyword and even location.

Contact Arrow Staffing when your Inland Empire company needs great workers for your temporary or direct-hire assignments. We look forward to hearing how we can help you source great skilled and reliable workers. Contact us today!

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