Is Your First Impression Hindering Your Hiring Chances?

During the job search process, there are a number of instances to make an impression on your potential employer. With the cover letter and resume, e-mail correspondence or phone interview, your interactions provide a snapshot of what you will bring to the company. However, the biggest impression can be made during a job interview, which is when you want to make the best impression possible.

Here are a few tips for having a great job interview.

1. Arrive a little early

Arriving late for an interview will create a negative impression before you even open your mouth. It shows a lack of discipline, a lack of professionalism, and just a lack of common courtesy. So, plan your time well, and make sure you give yourself enough time to get to where you are going. Check for potential construction and detours.

You want to get there early, but not too early, because that will create a negative impression as well. Plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before your interview.

2. Dress professionally

For a man, that means wearing a suit and tie. Keep it conservative. For a woman, that means … make sure you don’t overdo it with the jewelry. If you have a beard, it should be neatly trimmed, and hair neatly combed. Make sure you have no dirt under your fingernails.

Now, depending on the job, you may vary your dress. If you are applying to a well-established company, the suit and tie route would be best. But if you are interviewing at a Silicon Valley startup, more casual dress might be appropriate.

And don’t even think about having your smartphone out. Put it away. Keep it away. You want to focus all of your attention on the interviewer and establish a rapport with them You cannot do that if they think you are going to be looking at your phone.

3. Smile, look confident

When you approach your interviewer, be sure to smile when you introduce yourself. Your handshake should be firm. Be prepared to make a little small talk before the interview begins. It is a good way to begin because it will help to break the ice and make everyone feel a little more comfortable.

4. Watch your posture

When sitting, you want to look relaxed, but not like you are lounging at home watching TV. Keep your back straight. Look your interviewer in the eye when responding to questions. Also, try to avoid any signs of nervousness – tapping of fingers or feet, scratching, or hair twirling.

If you are looking for a job in the Inland Empire, Arrow Staffing can provide you with the personalized service to help find the job that best fits your knowledge and skills. Give Arrow a call today.

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